About Us

Sai Shiv Temple is a spiritual and humanitarian Hindu organization dedicated to serving humanity by caring for society for the greater good of all seeking spiritual growth. We are in a process of creating a group of dedicated volunteers who would spend hours every year to serve the community through various religious, spiritual, health, and education projects. In this journey, we all believe that we are –

मनोबुद्ध्यहङ्कार चित्तानि नाहं
न च श्रोत्रजिह्वे न च घ्राणनेत्रे ।
न च व्योम भूमिर्न तेजो न वायुः
चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहम् शिवोऽहम् ॥१॥

Mano-Buddhy-Ahangkaara Cittaani Naaham
Na Ca Shrotra-Jihve Na Ca Ghraanna-Netre |
Na Ca Vyoma Bhuumir-Na Tejo Na Vaayuh
Cid-Aananda-Ruupah Shivo[a-A]ham Shivo[a-A]ham ||1||


1.1: Neither am I the Mind, nor the Intelligence or Ego,

1.2: Neither am I the organs of Hearing (Ears), nor that of Tasting (Tongue), Smelling (Nose) or Seeing (Eyes),

1.3: Neither am I the Sky, nor the Earth, Neither the Fire nor the Air,

1.4: I am the Ever Pure Blissful Consciousness; I am Shiva, I am Shiva,
The Ever Pure Blissful Consciousness.